Daniel and Estela attend the ICSA 2018 in Montreal
Last week, Daniel and Estela attended the International Cellular Senescence Association (ICSA) Conference 2018, which was held at the CHUM Research Centre of Montreal, Canada. The conference, which lasted for 4 intense days, was divided into 5 sessions:
RNA biology of senescent cells
Metabolism of senescent cells
Tumor suppression and cancer therapeutics
Effects of senescent cells on its microenvironment
Aging and anti-senescence drug discovery
Organised by Prof Gerardo Ferbeyre, Prof Daohong Zhou and Prof Francis Rodier, and with well renown speakers in the field such as Manuel Serrano (director of the ICSA), Judith Campisi and Ned Sharpless, the conference covered a broad arrange of topics on cellular senescence, from basic to translational research, and brought together almost 400 scientists working in the field.
During the last session, Daniel presented our latest work, which has recently been published (read here) as an invited speaker.

Daniel presenting our latest work on the development of gal-encapsulated nanoparticles targeting senescent cells.
His talk generated a lot of interest among the attendees and received many compliments. Shortly after the conference was over, the work became available online, published by EMBO Molecular Medicine.
On the third day of the conference, Estela presented her latest work on chemotherapy-induced senescenCE in lung cancer during the poster session.

Daniel and Estela by her poster during the poster session
Her work also received a lot of interest (and valuable feedback!) by other researchers. Remarkably, on the last day, during the closing remarks of the conference, the organisers announced that Estela was one of the awardees of the poster presentation prize among almost 80 presenters. Congratulations, Estela!!!

Estela was one of the poster prize winners at the conference. Congratulations!
Overall, the conference was a complete success and a great opportunity to share our latest research and gain a solid update on the latest advances in the field. We missed the rest of the group, but we really look forward to the next conference next year in Athens!